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It's possible to heal from anything.

With so many diets and supplements available, it can be difficult to know which products are best for your body. However, with bioenergetic testing (muscle testing), we can resonance test with your body to determine what is helping it or what may be hurting it. When your body is getting what it needs, you’ll feel better and have more energy for daily life! Also, if you have a pesky physical condition, we can muscle test with your body to tailor a unique protocol to assist it in the healing process.

Victoria completed her holistic health training and received her certification as a Bioenergetic Practitioner and Wellness Consultant as well as her Holistic Health Practitioner’s Certificate from the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP). After gaining experience interning with Dr. Mike Traxler, also a holistic health practitioner, she soon began seeing holistic health clients of her own.


Victoria has experience using homeopathy, herbs, and lifestyle changes to support the bodies innate healing capacities. In her practice she carries Energetix, New Human, and Organixx line products. 


"Working with Victoria was a life-transforming experience that supported me through one of the most challenging years of my life and beyond. I am so grateful to God for leading me to her at the right time. I interviewed many EFT practitioners and Victoria stood out because of her joyful spirit and the variety of methodologies that she utilizes. I invested in a session package that allowed us to work together over a number of months including multiple sessions during my personal retreat time.


Victoria helped me to find safety and freedom in welcoming peace, joy, love, abundance, and improved health. As a result of our sessions, I am celebrating receiving the job of my dreams that allows me to teach others skills that support them as caregivers as they take care of themselves too! Victoria is a blessing from God and I look forward to experiencing more healing sessions with her in the future!"

Elizabeth M.





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